When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects: // * Return 1 card on the field to its owner's hand. // * Pick up 1 card on the top of your opponent's Deck (Your opponent does not look at the card). Select the top or the bottom of the Deck and return the card there.
NM-Mint Limited - $0.60
NM-Mint Limited Non English - $0.60
Lightly Played Limited - $0.60
Lightly Played Limited Non English - $0.60
Moderately Played Limited - $0.50
Moderately Played Limited Non English - $0.50
Heavily Played Limited - $0.50
Heavily Played Limited Non English - $0.50
Damaged Limited - $0.40
Damaged Limited Non English - $0.40