Weekly Events March 10 - 16
Written by Jim Ziegler
Mimics are one of the most recognizable monsters in Dungeons & Dragons. Often appearing as a treasure chest, they appear in dungeons disguised as furniture, waiting for adventurers to touch them so they can trap their prey with their sticky skin and pseudopod arms.
But mimics can be so much more than just fake treasure chests! Their shapeshifting abilities are enough that they can almost perfectly replicate the look of wood, stone, metal, leather, and other materials, allowing them to replicate almost anything you’d normally find in a medieval fantasy setting, as long as they keep the same mass.
And what a lot of mass they have! The average mimic weighs 4,500lbs, which is about the weight of a pickup truck. Combined with their adhesive slime, a confused party of adventurers isn’t going to accidentally carry a mimic home. But a mimic’s shapeshifting ability offers a lot of possibilities!
While mimics typically use themselves as lures to attract creatures to eat, more intelligent ones can set more elaborate traps. Since they can disguise themselves as stone, it’s totally possible for a mimic to disguise itself as the ceiling in a hallway, then drop on an unwary adventurer. Imagine if a Ford F150 dropped on you: You wouldn’t be in a state to fight back while it ate you, and might even suffocate while your friends tried to fight it.
Common mimics are intelligent enough to communicate and even make bargains, so you could offer one food in exchange for information. They’ve also been bred small and light enough to be used as book covers, providing protection from the elements in exchange for regular meals. But if they can be convinced to protect a book, why not a body?
Imagine if a mad fighter made a pact with a mimic, convincing it to assume the shape of a suit of armor to wear, in exchange for frequent meals. The ability to shapeshift his armor, stick to walls and other objects, and the need to feed his armor means that your villain would basically be Venom!
Of course, if the mimic armor gets hungry or you manage to negotiate a better deal, the poor guy might end up being eaten by his own armor. Maybe it’s best to let the mimic be the wardrobe, not part of yours.
Saturday, 1:00 PM
It's back after a long hiatus.:This special event is for all youth gamers! Hosted in conjunction with @tcg808marketplace. .We will have experienced players from Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon TCG, Lorcana, Star Wars Unlimited, Warhammer 40k, Gaslands, Dungeons & Dragons (we will have several dungeon masters hosting short games with pre-gen characters), Super Smash Ultimate casual play. They will teach you how to play all of these amazing table top games. If you already play, come hang out and have fun! Registration form link: https://forms.gle/ij2KEJsmM1PbeGwU7 Entry fee: $5 and includes Antics Pizza and a beverage.
Journey Together Prerelease
Saturday, 6:30 PM, Sunday, 3:00 PM
A Pokémon Adventure wouldn’t be complete without your partner Pokémon! Experience the newest set, Journey Together, with old friends and new at Gam3Escape! Each player will receive a prerelease kit, plus two Surging Sparks packs. Entry fee: $30
Pokémon League Casual Play
Monday and Saturday at 6:30 PM, Sunday at noon
Receive a pack of your choice from any in the store, as well as a promo pack. Participants are entered into the end-of-season prize pool. Entry fee: $10
FNM: Standard Constructed Tournament
Friday, 6:00 PM
Standard is back at Gam3Escape! Bring your deck and battle with other Planeswalkers for packs, promos, and other prizes. Entry fee: $10
Gam3Escape’s Monthly Commander Bingo
Saturday, 6:00 PM
Bring a Commander deck and try to score a BINGO. Players who bring an Aetherdrift commander will receive an extra prize ticket. Entry fee: $10
Partner Commander-ish League
Thursday, 6:00 PM
Build a deck with two commanders and only commons and uncommons in the 98, then play against other decks with the same restrictions! Can you break the board without breaking the bank? Three colors minimum. Entry fee: $10
Casual Commander
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6:00 PM
The most popular format in Magic, Commander, is back on the table. Bring your favorite deck, or playtest a new one against other magicians. No entry fee: These battles are for honor, not prizes!
Grand Prix Series Advanced Constructed Tournament
Friday, 7:00 PM
Participate in the 2025 Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed Grand Prix Series. Earn booster packs and OTS Tournament Packs while demonstrating your skills as a duelist. Entry fee: $10
Advanced Constructed Tournament
Wednesday 7:00 PM, Saturday, 2:00 PM
Duel for supremacy in the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game. Earn booster packs and OTS Tournament Packs while demonstrating your skills as a duelist. Entry fee: $10
Archazia's Island League
Monday & Saturday, 6:30 PM
Travel to Archazia’s Island and meet all of Disney’s four-legged friends. Participate in Gam3Escape’s weekly Lorcana League to earn promos and other fabulous prizes. Entry fee: $10
Casual Play League
Tuesdays, 5:00 PM, Saturdays, 1:00 PM
Whether you’re an aspiring Jedi, a sinister Sith, or a bounty hunter looking for your next score, Star Wars: Unlimited has all the excitement of your favorite space opera in cardboard form.
Casual Warhammer
Friday & Sunday, 5:00 PM
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. At Gam3Escape, there is only Warhammer! Whether it’s a Tyranid terror or a Blood Angel battalion, stage your army and prepare for battle at the weekly Casual Warhammer event.
Divinez Constructed Tournament
Monday, 5:30 PM
Bring your cards and get ready to fight! Cardfight! Vanguard is back with weekly tournaments, every Monday night. Entry fee: $6
Check out Jim's articles at The Gamer: https://www.thegamer.com/author/james-ziegler/ and like, follow, and subscribe to his Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Alolan_Professor and his Twitch Channel:
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