Weekly Events February 10 - 16
Written by Jim Ziegler
One of the coolest and most problematic things about Yu-Gi-Oh is that unlike other TCGs, it doesn’t rotate sets. The cards I got in a 2002 Starter Deck Kaiba are still legal (minus anything making it to the banned list), even if they aren’t any good thanks to twenty years of power creep free from the balancing power of rotations.
The old archetypes are also still supported, as demonstrated by the newest Structure Deck, Blue-Eyes White Destiny, which includes several new tools for the old Blue-Eyes White Dragon in that Kaiba Structure Deck. And it’s a good thing, too: Despite being hyped-up like crazy in the anime, the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was kind of pathetic in the game when it was eventually released in the United States.
It’s also notable that continued support means continued printing, so you don’t need to drop twenty dollars to pick up an Ultra Rare version from the 22-year-old Starter Deck Yugi, since it’s been reprinted almost thirty times, most recently in the 2021 Maximum Gold: El Dorado booster.
Twenty-plus years of reprinting the same cards has made a lot of them relatively cheap. Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon both have prints available for under a buck, and all five pieces of Exodia can be collected for less than twenty dollars. So why does it have a reputation for being so expensive?
Like Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh had incredible marketing in the form of an anime aimed at children (if you ignore the episodes that went unaired in the U.S., which fans dubbed “Season 0”.). But with that anime off the air, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of new blood playing the game. Most of the player base is made up of entrenched veterans, who already have copies of staple cards that make the barrier of entry high for new players.
The Pokémon TCG keeps the prices low by printing higher-rarity cards that they know collectors and scalpers will try to hoard, like the “Moonbreon” in Prismatic Evolutions. They can sell thousands of packs to people hunting that big prize, who will then flood the market with the rest of the cards for rock-bottom prices, in order to recoup part of their losses. As much as it sucks to miss out on new product because of scalpers, it’s a net benefit for players.
Maybe Yu-Gi-Oh needs some bored investors to get interested and start buying all the loose product to flip.
Pokémon Day
Sunday, 1:00 PM
The ever-popular monthly Pokémon Day event is back with all of your favorite activities. See Pokémon Professor Jim to Learn To Play and for help building your new deck at 1:00, then hang around for everyone's favorite activity, Pokémon Bingo. Win packs, promos, and prizes! Remember, all players under 13 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Entry fee: $10.
Pokémon TCG League Challenge
Saturday, 3:00 PM
Best of 1 format, 30 minute matches, age divisions honored as much as possible based on participation. Deck lists are required, and must be submitted by 2:30 PM. Late and illegible deck lists may not be accepted. Prizes include packs, promos, and other Pokémon merchandise. Entry fee: $7.00
Pokémon League Casual Play
Monday and Saturday at 6:30 PM, Sunday at noon
Receive a pack of your choice from any in the store, as well as a promo pack. Participants are entered into the end-of-season prize pool. Entry fee: $10
FNM: Aetherdrift Draft
Friday, 6:00 PM
Start your engines! Draft a deck from Aetherdrift packs and put the pedal to the metal to prove that you’re the best brewer and builder in Hilo. Entry fee: $22
Partner Commander-ish League
Thursday, 6:00 PM
Build a deck with two commanders and only commons and uncommons in the 98, then play against other decks with the same restrictions! Can you break the board without breaking the bank? Three colors minimum. Entry fee: $10
Casual Commander
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6:00 PM
The most popular format in Magic, Commander, is back on the table. Bring your favorite deck, or playtest a new one against other magicians. No entry fee: These battles are for honor, not prizes!
Blue Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck Celebration
Saturday, 2:00
Celebrate the release of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck at Gam3Escape's release celebration event! Receive the newest Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck and compete for a chance to win a promo Blue Eyes White Destiny Release Celebration playmat. Entry fee: $12
Grand Prix Series Advanced Constructed Tournament
Friday, 7:00 PM
Participate in the 2024 Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed Grand Prix Series. Earn booster packs and OTS Tournament Packs while demonstrating your skills as a duelist. Entry fee: $10
Advanced Constructed Tournament
Wednesday, 7:00 PM
Duel for supremacy in the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game. Earn booster packs and OTS Tournament Packs while demonstrating your skills as a duelist. Entry fee: $10
Valentines Day Pack Rush Event
Saturday, 6:30 PM
Shuffle two packs together, grab two free ink, and rush to 15 Lore! Full rules can be found here.
Casual Play League
Tuesdays, 6:00 PM, Saturdays, 1:00 PM, Sundays 5:00 PM
Whether you’re an aspiring Jedi, a sinister Sith, or a bounty hunter looking for your next score, Star Wars: Unlimited has all the excitement of your favorite space opera in cardboard form.
Casual Warhammer
Friday & Sunday, 5:00 PM
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. At Gam3Escape, there is only Warhammer! Whether it’s a Tyranid terror or a Blood Angel battalion, stage your army and prepare for battle at the weekly Casual Warhammer event.
Divinez Constructed Tournament
Monday, 5:30 PM
Bring your cards and get ready to fight! Cardfight! Vanguard is back with weekly tournaments, every Monday night. Entry fee: $6
Check out Jim's articles at The Gamer: https://www.thegamer.com/author/james-ziegler/ and like, follow, and subscribe to his Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Alolan_Professor and his Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/alolan_professor
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